As we are all on ZOOM I suppose we will have to raise our glass to the camera jobby while someone is assigned to count those that partake and those that don't!
how will the borg be able to count the partakers(144,000 anointed) since jws are to celebrate the memorial at home?
what about accurate counts for attendees?
what challenges do you see?
As we are all on ZOOM I suppose we will have to raise our glass to the camera jobby while someone is assigned to count those that partake and those that don't!
how will the borg be able to count the partakers(144,000 anointed) since jws are to celebrate the memorial at home?
what about accurate counts for attendees?
what challenges do you see?
I think most will not partake at the memorial, because they already drank the wine the elders provided!
Not sure where you are but here in the UK each family has to provide suitable wine and bread. Announcement at recent meeting to research on jwlib type of wine, no additives etc and recipe for unleavened bread.
9 files arrived today.
(as of march 24, 2020).
2020-03-16--maintaining congregation meetings2020-03-16--public ministry during covid-192020-03-17--cancellation of branch visit2020-03-17--kingdom hall maintenance 2020-03-19--covid-19 events in kingdom halls2020-03-22--announcement2020-03-17--gbr--seldom-worked territory survey 20202020--setting up zoom manualzoom--online video-conferencing and meetingsall in zipped folder: petra!
Absolutely fantastic. Thank you guys!
9 files arrived today.
(as of march 24, 2020).
2020-03-16--maintaining congregation meetings2020-03-16--public ministry during covid-192020-03-17--cancellation of branch visit2020-03-17--kingdom hall maintenance 2020-03-19--covid-19 events in kingdom halls2020-03-22--announcement2020-03-17--gbr--seldom-worked territory survey 20202020--setting up zoom manualzoom--online video-conferencing and meetingsall in zipped folder: petra!
Help please - Cannot download, keep getting the message:-
This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner.
Hope someone can offer a suggestion
think of the possibilities, if this technology is all they have to stay in touch with their minions think of the wonderful possibilities..... 1. think of what just one molotov cocktail or flame thrower could do to their broadcasting room and the "world wide work.
2. or better yet if "v" (for vendetta) hacked into their broadcasting system...and told them the real truth.
3. just one rogue bethelite could have all kinds of fun..... i can dream can't i.....
Here in my bit of the UK the KH's are out of action.
Everyone (with a computer or tablet) is connected using ZOOM and at meeting time all stay in their own home. Other than that the meeting is run as usual. Watchtower Study or other Q&A and you have to raise your hand and be seen by conductor and then be asked to comment. Everyone has to be dressed for meeting. Regular phone calls from Elders to check how you are spiritually.
Social distancing enforced especially for the over 65's.
we all know that things are all going to be way different when we get through this milestone.. like hurricane katrina, people survived this but new orleans even 16 years later is way different.
our economy is like a shark that must keep moving through the water.
stop it and it will die.. the witnesses like many people in the world, have little to no savings.
As one JW said to me this week "This is a practice run for the GT. We are so fortunate the GB are in control".
Nothing can get through this sort of mentality. Sadly I used to be just as bad.
2 letters arrived, one from the netherlands and the other from the united kingdom.
the letter dated 2020-03-16 i think we have already read, but it never hurts to post again in case someone missed it.. click image to make larger.. 2020-03-12 letter--netherlands. .
Is it possible to get the complete letter, this appears to be just Page 1?
In fact I don't think this has been posted before, the one dated 13 March being the last one. This is 16 March.
Many thanks
there going to start using the zoom app for the meeting ,got to go a help my aged parents to set it up.. i'm not very good at the technical stuff is there any way of hiding your self on the app or is this a way of them checking to see who's listening to the meetings.. thought fading would have been easier during this virus.. thanks.
with the coronavirus now categorized as a global pandemic and many large gatherings are now social distancing for safety concerns of contacting and spreading the virus.. will the memorial of christ death take place on april 7 2020 worldwide where thousands will gaether in large crowds to commemorate the death of jesus as commanded in the bible.
jesus gave the command to keep doing this in remembrance of him or will sound, reasonableness and good judgment for safety overrule on that special night.
my guess is that it will not be canceled regardless of the frightening and very real pandemic the virus has caused around the world!.
***already in uk memorial invites are not being distributed to public***
That campaign should start tomorrow, I didn't know it was cancelled. We just had 20,000 overprinted with date, time and location!
with the coronavirus now categorized as a global pandemic and many large gatherings are now social distancing for safety concerns of contacting and spreading the virus.. will the memorial of christ death take place on april 7 2020 worldwide where thousands will gaether in large crowds to commemorate the death of jesus as commanded in the bible.
jesus gave the command to keep doing this in remembrance of him or will sound, reasonableness and good judgment for safety overrule on that special night.
my guess is that it will not be canceled regardless of the frightening and very real pandemic the virus has caused around the world!.
One thing you can be sure of, if the memorial does go ahead, it will be solely the decision of the local elders. In no way would the WT Society take any responsibility for the outcome if things went wrong.